Seaway Food Town Plus

Seaway Food Town, Inc.
Maumee, Ohio
Northwest Ohio self distributing retail supermarkets
July, 1982 - April, 2001

As a computer Senior Developer, was responsible for all aspects of development and enhancement of information systems, including user liaison, consultation, analysis, alternatives investigation, design, coding, testing, documenting, training, implementation and support.

Became proficient in COBOL and QUKJOB programming, and conditional JCL construction. Worked within the following environment. Hardware encountered: IBM 370 and ES 9000 CPU's. Software encountered: DOS/MVT and VSE with VM and VM/CMS Operating Systems; CICS; VSAM; DATACOM/DB with COBOL Native Calls, IDEAL, and DATAQUERY languages; QUICKSTART DB check pointing, DYNAMD/T tape and disk managers; DRIVER source code and JCL manager; CA-SORT; WESTI and DOCTOR-D back-up and restore; and Worldwide Chain Store Systems Warehousing and Purchasing Systems.

Work also involved using Microsoft Office Suite and VISIO charter.

Deeply involved in developing and supporting the warehousing system, warehouse labor management, physical inventories, and store ordering and billing.

Highly involved in two World Wide Chain Store System's Conversions, the warehousing and labor management revisions needed for Seaway Food Town's new Perishable and General Merchandise Warehouses, Seaway Food Town's successful Year2000 Conversion, and finally the company's merge with Spartan Stores.

As Seaway Food Town merged with Spartan Stores, transferred employment to Spartan Stores. Received letter of recommendation.

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